.a portion of time .a chronological division .the completion of a cycle .a point . used to mark the end
a personal exploration of the meaning of "periods"
Concept & art direction by Solène Milcent Performers: Mirva Kaarina Sound: LaSonotheque
The 25/02, I went to the park, first day of my periods. I wrote on my journal a few lines about what I felt on my period being outside, in the park with the vegetation surrounding me... Later that day, I was working on my computer in the coffee downstairs my place. The pains from my belly started to spread in my whole body. I felt ashamed. Run to the toilet and fainted for a few seconds. I got inspired by that day, and the sentences I wrote. We went to the park with Mirva, playing around with our cameras, and the light.
.the completion of a cycle
Being in quarantine now since a few days already, I am confronted to my "Inside", without any wait out (for now). Time is slower, the city seems like a village. I can sleep without earplugs at night. Every day, I go to the rooftop, and just gaze at all this space around. This space that I can see, but cannot reach. The experience we are living right now as individual, is shared by millions of humans at the same time. Maybe this moment can be taken as a blessing for the humanity. Something almost unbelievable is happening. Deep sadness, fear for our loved ones as the same time as deep moment of truth... The Unknown The lines I wrote for this edito a few week ago seems just ironic right now... Being given this time... I oscillate between state of happiness, sadness, tranquility, and madness sometime. When the "outside" is missing and I only have the "inside" to explore. Listening to Mattia Vlad Morreo while working on this article For this editorial I have been really inspired by Orlando by Virginia Woolf, and the movie inspired by this book. Orlando, with the great Tilda Swinton, directed by Sally Potter. Here is a new notebook that I stared, because I found the old ones too messy... I am still using the old ones for messy notes and this one for organized notes and moodboard. I speak from this place within me where there is no time, nor gender and no humans. A fluid world, a world that follows the nature paths, a world where we do not have to hide, a place where emotions are transparent. I NEED TO STOP AND LOOK INSIDE ME WE ARE GODS A big thank you to the people behind this project :
Concept,Photography and Art direction by Solène Milcent Model is Guillermo Miranda / Instagram: @mirandaguillermo and Myriam / Instagram: @myriammama Make up by Anna González Schneider / Instagram: @makeuplikexnnx In collaboration with : The location : Filippo Ioco Studio Instagram: @filippoiocostudiogallery The Brand : Bijoux Indiscrets / Instagram: @bijoux_indiscrets |