I started self-portraits, during a solo trip of several months through Iceland and the United States. At each stage of my trip I had voluntarily chosen to stay several weeks in isolated places, surrounded by nature, and with very few connections with the outside world (limited access to a car to go out and to the internet) My self-portraits are a way of situating myself in a certain space and time Like a need to check my own presence… It was during these few months that I felt alive and vibrating in contact with nature. Without thinking too much about it, I began to photograph myself with my film camera and sometimes my Polaroid camera. A frozen moment, as if not to forget these intense moments of presence to myself and to nature. Nudity, present sometime in my photos, is a way to feel closer to nature. Also to show my nudity in a neutral way. Without any intention to objectify my body. Since this trip, in 2018, I have continued to photograph myself regularly. Despite the simplicity of this action, which is to take pictures of myself using a tripod or a mirror, I realize that this gesture is potentially feminist and activist. Creators of images and films have this power to represent women in as many facets as possible. For a long time, we had little form of female representation. Today, it seems to me that we have a greater variety of female representation through photos and films. It is just the beginning? In this selection of self-portraits, I represent myself in different spaces. These pictures speak of these spaces, of my relationship to these spaces, to my body.
These photos are snapshots of an emotional state. |