Georgia's world
Project statement
In 2015, I first met with Georgia O'Keeffe work when I was a student living in Grenoble. Her work has a great impact on me especially the last part of her work when she was living in New Mexico and was collecting bones during her long walks in the deserts. In 2017, I travelled to California, there I also wondered hours with my hiking shoes. I understood, maybe, what Georgia must had felt in New Mexico.
In 2015, I first met with Georgia O'Keeffe work when I was a student living in Grenoble. Her work has a great impact on me especially the last part of her work when she was living in New Mexico and was collecting bones during her long walks in the deserts. In 2017, I travelled to California, there I also wondered hours with my hiking shoes. I understood, maybe, what Georgia must had felt in New Mexico.